
About me:
When I ask myself who am I and who I want to be, I want to be part of the change that’s coming to cyber. I envision this industry as a fair place where anyone, no matter who you are or where you came from can be and grow. I knew that tech was always somewhere that I wanted to be and cyber security always seemed to me like it was the way to go as I could work on my passion for a living and protect the people that need it the most.
I left school at the age of 16 to pursue a Level 3 infrastructure technician apprenticeship at an SME. One year later, I found myself starting my level 6 integrated degree apprenticeship at the same company where I really grew and found myself, becoming the person I am today. I have experience in both the personal and technical elements of the industry with pure intentions of sharing what I can whilst keeping everyone’s safe.
Project Pioneers has been something that I’d wanted to start for a long time, and it was only a matter of time before I took the leap. After speaking at some events, I realized that I didn’t want to be all talk and I wanted to do something and create my own platform to enact change. I believe there is currently unfairness in the early stages of the cyber ecosystem which can be changed but is overlooked. Fortunately, I have the passion, knowledge, and network to shout loud enough that hopefully, someone will hear me.
I grew up in a situation like many people, where for everything that I wanted, I had to work and fight for. if it wasn’t for my passion, I would not be in the situation that I am. Unfortunately, there are many people like me, but without the passion. I believe that this is a problem which can be solved when showing them their potential and in my power, I will do everything I can to ensure it happens to each person I find.
Some say that a goal without a plan is a dream, I have a plan, but I also dream of a better tomorrow where even if I can partially assist with the change that’s needed, I can rest happily in my efforts. I always believe that you should never let fear stop you and just do things scared because I can guarantee that someone has done something like you and been just as scared if not more and got to the other side. and if I can put myself out there to do something like this, the question which you may want to ask yourself is what can I do while scared?