Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome – Incredibly common but not often discussed. Imposter syndrome usually occurs during a big life event especially when entering a new career. It is a difficult term to define and will differ from person to person a general overview however is the feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt. This naturally impacts a person self-confidence and can lead them to question their successes. This can possibly lead down a downwards spiral to feelings of stress and low confidence.

There isn’t necessarily one specific thing that causes imposter syndrome, usually it is a variety of occasions, actions or comments. When combining this with a stressful situation such as a new environment it can seriously impact ones mental health and possibly lead to a fear of failure.

Luckily imposter syndrome is not permanent and can be overcome. Here are some tips for doing so:

Acceptance: Accepting how you feel is a major step in overcoming imposter syndrome. By identifying the specific thoughts contributing to it you can help battle them or tune them out. This is not a quick or easy process but is very beneficial.

Prioritise: Prioritise self-care both mental and physical. Are bodies is a large network with everything working together so by looking after both you will see the greatest affect. ‘Recharging’ yourself away from the stressful activity can allow you to process your feelings and offer a new perspective.

Reframing: Don’t be afraid of challenging those thoughts, they are only thoughts. By breaking them down logically you can see them from a new angle and decide whether they are worth spending time on. Reflect upon achievements and strengths to break through the negative cycle.

Environment: You are not alone, surround yourself with supportive people. This can help break feeling relating to isolation, boost confidence and manage how you are feeling. Talking about your feelings is also key, reaching out to someone you trust or mental health professional for support to talk through your emotions could help you work through how you are feeling and give you a fresh, outsider perspective.

Embrace every aspect: It is often engrained into us failure is only a negative and can be nothing more which simply isn’t true. Learning is a journey, these journeys may vary in lengths but all will have different stages some nicer than others. Failure is just a stage in this journey. Without failure we will never improve and would become stuck in the same processes.

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